Yesterday I asked a question here about a proof in Coq and the answer helped me a lot, I was able to solve many exercises alone and discover new features. Today I have another exercise, which states that For all m, n, if m <= n then max(m,n) = n
. I tried to do induction after m, but I got stuck. Any help would be appreciated!
Fixpoint max (m n : Nat) : Nat :=
match m with
| O => n
| S m' => match n with
| O => m
| S n' => S (max m' n')
Fixpoint le_Nat (m n : Nat) : bool :=
match m with
| O => true
| S m' => match n with
| O => false
| S n' => (le_Nat m' n')
Lemma le_max_true :
forall m n,
le_Nat m n = true ->
max m n = n.
Let's consider the 4th sub-goal.
1 goal (ID 39)
m : nat
IHm : forall n : nat, le_nat m n = true -> max m n = n
n : nat
le_nat m n = true -> S (max m n) = S n
rewrite IHm
is able to replace (max m N)
with N
(for any N
), under the condition le_nat m N = true
By an intro H
, you push an hypothesis of type le_nat m n = true
into the context. Then your rewrite IHm
generates two (trivial) sub-goals.
In short, in order to solve the 4th sub-goal, you may start with intro H; rewrite IHm
If you forget the intro H
, you get an unsolvable goal:
m : Nat
IHm : forall n : Nat, le_Nat m n = true -> max m n = n
n : Nat
le_Nat m n = true