How do I fix my Jupyter Notebook to stop running the code so many times? I should only be getting three outputs but instead I am getting more than that and idk how to fix it!? It is running data from a previous code as well and I am not sure why?
The code
import pymongo
from pymongo import MongoClient
from bson.objectid import ObjectId
class AnimalShelter(object):
""" CRUD operations for Animal collection in MongoDB """
def __init__(self, username, password):
#Initializing the MongoClient. This helps to access the MongoDB databases and collections.
self.client = MongoClient('mongodb://%s:%s@localhost:45344' % (username, password))
#where xxxx is your unique port number
self.database = self.client['AAC']
#Complete this create method to implement the C in CRUD.
def create(self, data):
if data is not None:
insert = self.database.animals.insert(data) #data should be dictionary
raise Exception("Nothing to save, because data parameter is empty")
#Create method to implement the R in CRUD.
def read(self, searchData):
if searchData:
data = self.database.animals.find(searchData, {"_id": False})
data = self.database.animals.find({}, {"_id": False})
return data
#Create method to implement U in CRUD.
def update(self, searchData, updateData):
if searchData is not None:
result = self.database.animals.update_many(searchData, {"$set": updateData})
return "{}"
return result.raw_result
#Create method to implement D in CRUD.
def delete(self, deleteData):
if deleteData is not None:
result = self.database.animals.delete_many(deleteData)
return "{}"
return result.raw_result
My ipnyb code:
from AnimalShelter import AnimalShelter
a = AnimalShelter("aacuser","French")
animal_data = [
for i in animal_data:
dogs = {"type":"dog"} )
for dog in dogs:
cats = {"type":"cat"} )
for cat in cats:
The output:
{'name': 'bruno', 'type': 'dog'}
{'name': 'sticky', 'type': 'dog'}
{'name': 'bruno', 'type': 'dog'}
{'name': 'sticky', 'type': 'dog'}
{'name': 'bruno', 'type': 'dog'}
{'name': 'sticky', 'type': 'dog'}
{'name': 'bruno', 'type': 'dog'}
{'name': 'sticky', 'type': 'dog'}
{'name': 'bruno', 'type': 'dog'}
{'name': 'sticky', 'type': 'dog'}
{'name': 'bruno', 'type': 'dog'}
{'name': 'sticky', 'type': 'dog'}
{'name': 'bruno', 'type': 'dog'}
{'name': 'sticky', 'type': 'dog'}
{'name': 'bruno', 'type': 'dog'}
{'name': 'sticky', 'type': 'dog'}
{'name': 'bruno', 'type': 'dog'}
{'name': 'sticky', 'type': 'dog'}
{'name': 'bruno', 'type': 'dog'}
{'name': 'sticky', 'type': 'dog'}
{'name': 'bruno', 'type': 'dog'}
{'name': 'sticky', 'type': 'dog'}
{'name': 'Hades', 'type': 'dog'}
{'name': 'Buddy', 'type': 'dog'}
{'name': 'Hades', 'type': 'dog'}
{'name': 'Buddy', 'type': 'dog'}
{'name': 'Hades', 'type': 'dog'}
{'name': 'Buddy', 'type': 'dog'}
{'name': 'missy', 'type': 'cat'}
{'name': 'missy', 'type': 'cat'}
{'name': 'missy', 'type': 'cat'}
{'name': 'missy', 'type': 'cat'}
{'name': 'missy', 'type': 'cat'}
{'name': 'missy', 'type': 'cat'}
{'name': 'missy', 'type': 'cat'}
{'name': 'missy', 'type': 'cat'}
{'name': 'missy', 'type': 'cat'}
{'name': 'missy', 'type': 'cat'}
{'name': 'missy', 'type': 'cat'}
{'name': 'Fable', 'type': 'cat'}
{'name': 'Fable', 'type': 'cat'}
{'name': 'Fable', 'type': 'cat'}
I have tried to restart the entire thing, made a new notebook to work out of, and cleared the outputs/reset the kernel/ran the program again and each time it adds another listing instead of it showing the three listings. Is this a bug or did I do something wrong?
MongoDB is a persistent database; so each create()
adds more data in to the database.
You already have a delete method so you could add something like:
a = AnimalShelter("aacuser","French")
near the start of your code to delete any existing data before you start.