I have a simple question for kusto language expert for rejecting Custom values from requests and binding with an exception I am seeing these values from simple queries but in the below queries:
I have only 2 custom fields :
How can I add this result? What am I missing? I made some research for an answer by googling but I didn`t find any exact answer.
| extend source= tostring(customDimensions["source"]), orderID= tostring(customDimensions["subject"])
| where timestamp > ago(30d)
| where success == False
| project name, operation_Id, StartTime=timestamp, orderID, source
| join ( exceptions
| project timestamp, problemId,type,method,outerMessage,outerMethod,innermostType,innermostMessage,severityLevel,details,customDimensions,operation_Name,operation_Id,operation_ParentId
) on operation_Id
| evaluate autocluster()
I have used your query to reproduce. I am able to fetch the required result.
use join kind=leftsemi. It returns the left which match with the right. Refer MS-Doc for join flavor to do require join operation.