While creating a project, I selected the region asia-south1, but I am surprised when I deploy the functions URL started from us-central1
I want to know, What is the current region for my firebase function, I want to set it as asia-south1.
Any help will be appreciable.
You can find how to change a GCF region in the Firebase documentation:
By default, functions run in the us-central1 region. Note that this may be different from the region of an event source, such as a Cloud Storage bucket. If you need to change the region where a function runs, follow the recommendations in this section for each function trigger type.
To set the region where a function runs, set the region parameter in the function definition as shown:
exports.myStorageFunction = functions .region('asia-south1') .storage .object() .onFinalize((object) => { // ... });
You can specify multiple regions by passing multiple comma-separated region strings in functions.region().