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AWS DynamoDB Attribute Names containing Spaces

I have an AWS DynamoDB table that is populated via a Lambda script triggered by a web form.

The table ends up with Attribute Names like "Full Name" and "Phone Number".

From the aws CLI in PowerShell I can run:

aws dynamodb scan --table-name cc_career --filter-expression 'ID = :t' --expression-attribute-values '{\":t\":{\"N\":\"12\"}}'

and it will return expected values (Attribute Name = ID, value = 12).

But if I want to filter on the attribute "Full Name", for example:

aws dynamodb scan --table-name cc_career --filter-expression 'Full Name = :t' --expression-attribute-values '{\":t\":{\"S\":\"Sherman Horton\"}}'

I get

An error occurred (ValidationException) when calling the Scan operation: Invalid FilterExpression: Syntax error; token: "Name", near: "Full Name ="

How does one properly escape or specify an Attribute Name that contains a space?

I read up on using "expression attribute names" from the docs. But even this example:

aws dynamodb scan --table-name cc_career --return-consumed-capacity "TOTAL" --projection-expression "#fn,#dt" --expression-attribute-names '{\"#fn\":\"Email\",\"#dt\":\"Full Name\"}'

will execute without error BUT not return the "Full Name" data.

I did a pretty thorough 'net search on this topic but found nothing. Surely it's a common use case!


  • You are right about using an expression attribute names

    If an attribute name begins with a number, contains a space or contains a reserved word, you must use an expression attribute name to replace that attribute's name in the expression.

    aws dynamodb scan --table-name cc_career --return-consumed-capacity "TOTAL" --projection-expression "#fn,#dt" --expression-attribute-names '{\"#fn\":\"Email\",\"#dt\":\"Full Name\"}'

    The problem here is that you are missing filter expression

    Considering the table design with ID as PK and Full Name and Phone Number using below command I was able to scan Data based on Full Name

    aws dynamodb scan --table-name stack_overflow --filter-expression "#fn = :t" --expression-attribute-values '{":t":{"S":"Jatin Mehrotra"}}' --expression-attribute-name '{"#fn":"Full Name"}

    My results after running above command

        "Items": [
                "ID": {
                    "N": "1"
                "Full Name": {
                    "S": "Jatin Mehrotra"
                "Phone Number": {
                    "S": "123456789"
        "Count": 1,
        "ScannedCount": 1,
        "ConsumedCapacity": null