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How to specify a custom transition for QIntersection Quasar

I have been using QIntersection on Quasar to apply transitions to elements when they are scrolled into the viewport. Lately, I have been feeling the need to specify my own transitions/animations which I define via CSS. At first I used v-intersection directive, managing state manually. That got complex and tedious real fast.

Is there a way to specify my custom CSS transition class in the transition prop, or am I locked in to Quasar embedded ones?

<q-intersection transition="CustomCSSclass?" transition-duration="250">
  <!-- My element goes here -->


  • If we are talking about Quasar 2 (current release version)...

    There is no official way how to use custom transition with components using transition prop (expecting "build-in" transition)

    BUT Quasar uses pretty simple system when resolving those transition:

     h(Transition, {
       name: 'q-transition--' + props.transition
     }, getContent)

    So for example slide-right transition is using CSS classes .q-transition--slide-right + [ -enter-active, -leave-active etc.). Source

    So what you need is to create your own transition CSS classes with the correct name and just use it as if they were build-in Quasar transitions.