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How to append cell with multiple links to a Google Sheet

I know how to append a cell with an image link to a Google Sheet. I also know how to append multiple cells with an image link in each to a Google Sheet.

async function addDataToSheet(data) {
    const auth = await authorize();
    const sheets = google.sheets({ version: 'v4', auth });
    const res = await sheets.spreadsheets.values.append({
        spreadsheetId: spreadsheetId, 
        range: 'Sheet1!A1:F',
        // valueInputOption: 'RAW',
        valueInputOption: 'USER_ENTERED',
        resource: {
            values: [data]


And, there is a way to add multiple image links in a single cell using batchUpdate.

async function addDataToSheetHtml() {
    const auth = await authorize();
    const sheets = google.sheets({ version: 'v4', auth });

    const html = `
    <td>sample <a href="">link1</a> sample <a href="">link2</a> sample</td>
    <td><a href="">link1</a></td>

    await sheets.spreadsheets.values.batchUpdate({
        spreadsheetId: spreadsheetId,
        requests: [{
            pasteData: {
                html: true,
                data: html,
                coordinate: {
                    sheetId: sheets.getSheetId(),  // Modified
                    rowIndex: sheets.getLastRow(),  // Modified
                    columnIndex: 0,

But it appears that batchUpdate can't append to a sheet.

That wouldn't be a problem if there was a way to find that last cell on a sheet, but there seems not to be such a function.

Is there a way to append a cell that contains multiple clickable links to a Google Sheet?


  • I believe your goal is as follows.

    • You want to append the value including multiple hyperlinks to the specific sheet using Sheets API with googleapis for Node.js.

    Modification points:

    • About And, there is a way to add multiple image links in a single cell using batchUpdate., when I saw your showing script, I thought that sheets.spreadsheets.values.batchUpdate cannot be used pasteData. In this case, it is required to use sheets.spreadsheets.batchUpdate(). And, your request body is required to be modified, and const sheets = google.sheets({ version: 'v4', auth }); has no methods of getSheetId() and getLastRow().

    • In your situation, first, it is required to retrieve the row number of the last row of the sheet.

    When these points are reflected in a sample script, how about the following sample script?

    Sample script:

    const spreadsheetId = "###"; // Please set your Spreadsheet ID.
    const sheetName = "Sheet1"; // Please set your Sheet name.
    const sheetId = "0"; // Please set your Sheet ID.
    const sheets = google.sheets({ version: "v4", auth: auth });
    // Retrieve last row number of the sheet.
    const res1 = await sheets.spreadsheets.values.get({
      range: sheetName,
    const lastRow =;
    // HTML table is appended to the sheet using pasteData.
    const html = `
          <td>sample <a href="">link1</a> sample <a href="">link2</a> sample</td>
          <td><a href="">link1</a></td>
    await sheets.spreadsheets.batchUpdate({
        spreadsheetId: spreadsheetId,
        resource: {
          requests: [
              pasteData: {
                html: true,
                data: html,
                coordinate: {
                  sheetId: sheetId,
                  rowIndex: lastRow,
                  columnIndex: 0,
      }).catch(({ errors }) => console.log(errors));



    When an HTML table is put to the cells using PasteDataRequest, unfortunately, it seems that the hyperlink style cannot be set. So, in this case, as another method, I would like to propose using textFormatRuns. When this is used, the sample script is as follows.

    Sample script:

    const spreadsheetId = "###"; // Please set your Spreadsheet ID.
    const sheetName = "Sheet1"; // Please set your Sheet name.
    const sheetId = "0"; // Please set your Sheet ID.
    const sheets = google.sheets({ version: "v4", auth: auth });
    // Retrieve last row number of the sheet.
    const res1 = await sheets.spreadsheets.values.get({spreadsheetId, range: sheetName});
    const lastRow = ? : 0;
    // I modified the below script.
    const spreadsheetId = "###"; // Please set Spreadsheet ID.
    const sheetId = "0"; // Please set Sheet ID.
    // Please set the text and the hyperlinks.
    const obj = [
          stringValue: "sample link1 sample link2 sample",
          links: [
            { value: "link1", uri: "" },
            { value: "link2", uri: "" },
          stringValue: "link1",
          links: [{ value: "link1", uri: "" }],
    const requests = [
        updateCells: {
          rows: => ({
            values:{ stringValue, links }) => ({
              userEnteredValue: { stringValue },
              textFormatRuns: links.reduce((ar, { value, uri }) => {
                const temp = stringValue.indexOf(value);
                if (temp != -1) {
                  ar.push({ startIndex: temp, format: { link: { uri } } });
                  if (stringValue.length != temp + value.length) {
                    ar.push({ startIndex: temp + value.length });
                return ar;
              }, []),
          range: { sheetId: sheetId, startRowIndex: 0, startColumnIndex: 0 },
          fields: "userEnteredValue,textFormatRuns",
    const sheets = google.sheets({ version: "v4", auth });
    await sheets.spreadsheets.batchUpdate({ spreadsheetId, resource: { requests } }).catch(({ errors }) => console.log(errors));
    • When this script is run, the values of "sample link1 sample link2 sample" and "link1" are put to the columns "A" and "B". And, 2 hyperlinks are included in the column "A" and 1 hyperlink is included in the column "B". And, all hyperlinks have the hyperlink style. The sample output situation is as follows.

    enter image description here