Im using asyncio.sleep()
for many of my commands, but I am getting the error "coroutine 'sleep' was never awaited". I am using nextcord, by the way. Heres the code in case its useful:
embed=nextcord.Embed(title=catName, url=catLink, color=0xcc7314)
embed.set_footer(text=f"Cat image posted on r/{catSub} by {catPoster}")
finding=nextcord.Embed(description=f"<a:loading:1018351524394569752> Finding `cat` image", color=0xcc7314)
loading = await ctx.reply(embed=finding, allowed_mentions=pingManager)
await loading.edit(embed=embed)```
Since asyncio.sleep
is an asynchronous function it has to be awaited.
You can do this like you have for other functions:
await asyncio.sleep(3)