I'm trying to associate an aws alias to a distribution, I currently have 2 distributions:
disbtA with an alternate domain www.example.com.
disbtB no alternate domain setup lets give it an id of 123
aws cloudfront associate-alias --target-distribution-id 123 --alias www.example.com
I get the error:
An error occurred (IllegalUpdate) when calling the AssociateAlias operation: Invalid or missing alias DNS TXT records.
They are both on the same account.
I missing this step:
Create a DNS TXT record that associates the alternate domain name with the distribution domain name of the target distribution. Create your TXT record with an underscore (_) in front of the alternate domain name. The following shows an example TXT record in DNS:
_www.example.com TXT d111111abcdef8.cloudfront.net
CloudFront uses this TXT record to validate your ownership of the alternate domain name.