I am trying to display the mode of a population on a graph, but I am not able to. I can calculate mode:
which returns:
mode: ModeResult(mode=array([0.784]), count=array([8]))
but when I go to graph it with:
plt.text(0.70, 14, r'Mode = {0:.2f}'.format(stats.mode(rec)))
I can't display it because SciPy has gien too many variables to display ~just~ the mode
Can I get SciPy to give me just the mode (ie 0.784, in this case), without having to do it manually?
The issue is that the return value is a ModeResult object. If you inspect this object with dir(mode)
, then you can get a list of its attributes. In this case, you want the mode
attribute, which as you can see is actually an array, so here's my suggestion:
mode = stats.mode(rec).mode[0]
plt.text(0.70, 14, r'Mode = {0:.2f}'.format(mode))