I'm implementing the post method using dio package and when I try to catch exceptions in dioError
it won't catch any error, I use interceptor and I found that the OnError
method is never called by the app.
I searched in different articles and posts but nothing specific mentioned this issue, I used dio version 4.0.2 and still have the same problem, I tried to extend the DioError
in my exception file and nothing happened
The post method :
Future post(
String path, {
Map<String, dynamic>? body,
bool formDataIsEnabled = false,
Map<String, dynamic>? queryParams,
}) async {
try {
final response = await client.post(path,
queryParameters: queryParams,
data: formDataIsEnabled ? FormData.fromMap(body!) : body);
return _handleJsonResponse(response);
} on DioError catch (error) {
return _handleDioError(error);
The handling methods :
dynamic _handleJsonResponse(Response<dynamic> response) {
final jsonResponse = jsonDecode(response.data);
return jsonResponse;
dynamic _handleDioError(DioError error) {
switch (error.type) {
case DioErrorType.connectTimeout:
case DioErrorType.sendTimeout:
case DioErrorType.receiveTimeout:
throw FetchDataException();
case DioErrorType.response:
switch (error.response?.statusCode) {
case StatusCode.badRequest:
throw BadRequestException();
case StatusCode.unauthorized:
case StatusCode.forbidden:
throw UnauthorisedException();
case StatusCode.notFound:
throw NotFoundException();
case StatusCode.conflict:
throw ConflictException();
case StatusCode.internalServerError:
throw InternalServerErrorException();
case DioErrorType.cancel:
case DioErrorType.other:
throw ServerExceptions(message: "Error");
The interceptor:
class AppInterceptors extends Interceptor {
Future onRequest(RequestOptions options, RequestInterceptorHandler handler) async{
debugPrint('REQUEST [${options.method}]=>PATH: ${options.path}');
options.headers[AppStrings.contentType] = AppStrings.applicationContentType;
super.onRequest(options, handler);
Future onResponse(Response response, ResponseInterceptorHandler handler)async {
debugPrint('RESPONSE[${response.statusCode}] => PATH: ${response.requestOptions.path}');
super.onResponse(response, handler);
Future onError(DioError err, ErrorInterceptorHandler handler) async{
debugPrint('ERROR[${err.response?.statusCode}] => PATH: ${err.requestOptions.path}');
super.onError(err, handler);
Try to check the response status after the post request. Sometimes APIs do not generate exceptions so you need to add a check on the response statusCode