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Alternative to writing to global variable from within function

I've got a bit of code that works, but which I understand relies on bad practice to do so. To use a simple representation of the problem, take the code;

operation <- function(index){
  a <- 0
  if(data[index] == FALSE){
    data[index] <<- TRUE
    a <- a + 1}
  a <- a + 1

data <- c(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE)

x <- 0
x <- x + operation(sample(c(1,2,3),1))
x <- x + operation(sample(c(1,2,3),1))
x <- x + operation(sample(c(1,2,3),1))

The "operation" function has two purposes - firstly, to output 2 if the value specified by the inputs is FALSE or 1 if TRUE, and importantly to change the input to TRUE so that future calls of the same input return 1.

The problems with this are that the operation function references a global variable which I know for my use case will always exist, but hypothetically may not, and that the function writes to the global variable with the <<- command, which I understand is incredibly bad practice.

Is there a better-practice way to achieve the same functionality without the function writing to the global variable?


  • We can use object oriented programming (OOP). Compare this to using lists in another answer to see the increased clarity of using OOP once the object has been defined -- the actual code which runs the op method hardly changes from the question. 1a, 2 and 3 do not require any addon packages.

    1) proto First we use the proto package for OOP. proto objects are environments with certain added methods. Here p is a proto object that contains data and also a method op. Note that with proto we can avoid the use of <<- and unlike class-based object oriented systems proto allows definitions of objects, here p is an object, without needing classes.

    p <- proto(op = function(., index) {
      a <- 0
      if( ! .$data[index] ) {
        .$data[index] <- TRUE
        a <- a + 1
      a <- a + 1
    p$data <- c(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE)
    x <- 0
    x <- x + p$op(sample(c(1,2,3),1))
    x <- x + p$op(sample(c(1,2,3),1))

    1a A variation of this is to use just use plain environments.

    e <- local({
      op <- function(index) {
        a <- 0
        if( ! data[index] ) {
          data[index] <<- TRUE
          a <- a + 1
        a <- a + 1
    e$data <- c(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE)
    x <- 0
    x <- x + e$op(sample(c(1,2,3),1))
    x <- x + e$op(sample(c(1,2,3),1))

    2) Reference Classes Reference classes for OOP come with R and do not require any packages. This may be overkill since it requires creating a class which only ever instantiates one object whereas with proto we can directly generate an object without this extra step.

    MyClass <- setRefClass("MyClass", fields = "data",
      methods = list(
        op = function(index) {
           a <- 0
           if( ! data[index] ) {
             data[index] <<- TRUE
             a <- a + 1
           a <- a + 1
    obj <- MyClass$new(data = c(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE))
    x <- 0
    x <- x + obj$op(sample(c(1,2,3),1))
    x <- x + obj$op(sample(c(1,2,3),1))

    3) scoping It is possible to devise a poor man's OOP system that works with R by making use of function scoping. Try demo(scoping) for another example. This also does not require any packages. It does have the disadvantage of (2) that it requires the definition of a class which is only used once.

    cls <- function(data = NULL) {
        put_data = function(x) data <<- x,
        get_data = function() data,
        op = function(index) {
          a <- 0
          if( ! data[index] ) {
            data[index] <<- TRUE
            a <- a + 1
          a <- a + 1
    obj <- cls(data = c(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE)) 
    x <- 0
    x <- x + obj$op(sample(c(1,2,3),1))
    x <- x + obj$op(sample(c(1,2,3),1))

    4) You can also explore R6, R.oo and oops which are other CRAN packages that implement OOP in R.