I'm trying to pass a record to an Angular pipe, but I cannot get rid of the parser error:
Parser Error: Unexpected token 0, expected identifier, keyword, or string at column 32 in [ {{ dto.status | mapEnumToText: { 0: 'Ok', 1: 'Error', 2: 'Review' } }} ]
{{ dto.status | mapEnumToText: { 0: 'Ok', 1: 'Error', 2: 'Review' } }}
import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from '@angular/core';
export type enumToTextMapType = Record<number, string>;
name: 'mapEnumToText',
export class MapEnumToTextPipe implements PipeTransform {
transform(value: number, enumToTextMap: enumToTextMapType): string {
return enumToTextMap[value];
My goal is to specify a mapping of enum values to texts.
I know that I could also do *ngIf for each of the enum values, which is not very concise.
Specifying the map in the ts-File works, but I want to put all the texts in the html file.
myEnumMap: enumToTextMapType = { 0: 'Ok', 1: 'Error', 2: 'Review' };
The numbers 0, 1, 2 are just for testing right now and will be replaced with enum keys.
There is nothing wrong with your pipe. Template statements and template expressions looks like javascript, but isn't. There are many small limitations.
Define { 0: 'Ok', 1: 'Error', 2: 'Review' }
as variable in component class and use in template as argument for pipe.