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A shortest path with fuel constraints using Floyd-Warshall

enter image description here

I tried to write pseudo-code based on this solution. But I couldn't understand this part "Once we have run Bellman-Ford, we can look back at the results from Floyd-Warshall to determine whice partial paths corresponded to the path found in G'". Can anyone help me to understand this using pseudo-code?


  • Let's look at a very simple example, with one gas station.

    enter image description here

    Find the shortest path in G' is start - s - target

    To find the corresponding path in G, look at each hop in the G' path and find the shortest feasible path in G between the nodes in G1 hop'

    start - s becomes start - v1 - s

    s - target becomes s - v2 - target

    Adding the partial paths together we get the answer

    start - v1 - s - v2 - target

    So the pseudo code is

    Construct G'
    Find P' the shortest path in G'
    LOOP over hops in P'
        Find Pg shortest path between hop source and hop destination in G
        Add Pg to Ps ( eliminating common vertex )
    Output Ps