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Vue route transitions only works on load or refresh, but no animations on routing

I added a transition on a suspense component as the Vue's docs suggested way of doing it to route to a dynamic route path, the animations works when loading and reloading each page individually but it doesn't work on routing (when users click on a routerlink), also there are no errors shown.

to see how this behaves you can take a look at the live site:

and to see all the code you can go to :

here is the main App.vue file:

    <NavigationBar />
    <RouterView v-slot="{ Component }">
        <template v-if="Component">
            <Transition name="scale" mode="out-in">
                    <template #default>
                        <div class="wl">
                            <component :is="Component"></component>
                    <template #fallback>Loading..</template>

<script setup>
import NavigationBar from './components/NavigationBar.vue';

<style lang="scss">
// other styling 

// transition styling
.scale-leave-active {
    transition: all 0.5s ease;

.scale-leave-to {
    opacity: 0;
    transform: scale(0.8);

also here is a component for routing placed on the home page (simplified for context):

    <router-link :to="countryCode">
        <div class="card" :key="$route.params.code">
                <h2>{{ countryName }}</h2>

<script setup>
// imports
import { ref } from 'vue';

// data
const props = defineProps({
    countryData: {
        type: Object,
        required: true,

const countryName = ref(;

<style scoped lang="scss">
// styling ....

lastly here is the destination view :

    <RouterLink to="/" class="backLink">
        <img src="@/assets/arrow-back-outline.svg" alt="go back button" />
    <div class="country" :key="$route.params.code">

<script setup>
import { ref, watchEffect } from 'vue';
import { useRoute } from 'vue-router';
import CountriesApi from '@/services/CountriesApi';

const route = useRoute();
// data
const countryData = ref(
    await CountriesApi.getCountryByCode(route.params.code).catch(() => {
        return null;

const name = ref('');

name.value = countryData.value[0].name.common;

watchEffect(async () => {
        countryData.value = await CountriesApi.getCountryByCode(
        name.value = countryData.value[0].name.common;


  • for future reference, after many tries, the problem was that <Transition> only accepted one node as a child in both origin and destination views/components to apply its transition animations on that root node.

    so here are the required changes


    App.vue: remove the <div> (or other HTML elements) wrapping container for <component>, and instead add it in your components/views acting as a root node wrapping everything there.

    <Transition name="scale" mode="out-in">
        <template #default>
           <!-- <div class="wl">  delete this -->
             <component :is="Component"></component>
           <!-- </div> --> 
        <template #fallback>Loading..</template>


    all views and components: you need to add a container root node, <div> or whatever works with your app for <Transition> to apply its animation effects on.

    <!-- adding the root node as <div class="wl"></div> container -->
       <div class="wl"> 
         <RouterLink to="/" class="backLink">
             <img src="@/assets/arrow-back-outline.svg" alt="go back button" />
         <div class="country" :key="$route.params.code">

    Simply it didn't work before because the destination view got two root elements <RouterLink> and <div class="country">, thus <Transition> doesn't have a root node to apply the animations on.

    this usually gives an error or warning but for some reason, it didn't in my case.