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Interpolate between each row of a data.frame

I am looking to resample and interpolate between each row of a data.frame in a fast way. I don't mind working with data.table or other data structures if necessary. Here is a reproducible example :

df <- data.frame(x = c(0, 2, 10),
                 y = c(10, 12, 0))

Desired output : a function f(df, n), where n is the number of interpolation values that would lead to :

df_int <- f(df, 1)

# That would produce :
# df_int <- data.frame(x = c(0, 1, 2, 6, 10),
#                      y = c(10, 11, 12, 6, 0))

df_int <- f(df, 3)

# That would produce :
# df_int <- data.frame(x = c(0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10),
#                      y = c(10, 10.5, 11, 11.5, 12, 9, 6, 3, 0))

Some solutions were proposed using approx but that doesn't work in my case.


  • Without consideration of speed

    interpolate_vector <- function(x, n) {
      Reduce(function(x, tail_x) {
        c(head(x, -1), seq(tail(x, 1), tail_x[1], length.out = n + 2))
      }, init = x[1], x = tail(x, -1))
    f <- function(df, n) {, interpolate_vector, n))
    f(df, 1)
       x  y
    1  0 10
    2  1 11
    3  2 12
    4  6  6
    5 10  0
    f(df, 3)
         x    y
    1  0.0 10.0
    2  0.5 10.5
    3  1.0 11.0
    4  1.5 11.5
    5  2.0 12.0
    6  4.0  9.0
    7  6.0  6.0
    8  8.0  3.0
    9 10.0  0.0

    Without Reduce and growing vectors:

    interpolate_vector_2 <- function(x, n) {
      res <- numeric(length = (length(x)-1) * (n+1) + 1)
      for (i in head(seq_along(x), -1)) {
        res[(i + (i-1)*n) : (i + i*n + 1)] <- 
          seq(x[i], x[i+1], length.out = n+2)
    f_2 <- function(df, n) {, interpolate_vector_2, n))

    Benchmark template (including @Maël's answers):

    res <- bench::press(
      rows = c(1e2, 1e3),
      n = c(1, 3, 10),
        df <- data.frame(
          x = runif(rows),
          y = runif(rows)
          zoo = f_3(df, n),
          loop = f_2(df, n),
          reduce = f(df, n),
          approx = f_4(df, n)

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