I've got this entity:
internal record OrderBookEntity
public required AssetDefinition UnderlyingAsset { get; init; }
public required List<OrderEntity> Orders { get; init; }
which leads to this sort of document:
_id: {
Class: 0,
Symbol: 'EURUSD'
Orders: [
_id: 'a611ffb1-c3e7-43d6-8238-14e311122125',
Price: '-10.000000101',
Amount: '30.000000003',
OrderAction: 1,
EffectiveTime: ISODate('2022-10-14T06:33:02.872Z')
_id: 'a611ffb1-c3e7-43d6-8238-14e311122126',
Price: '-10.000000101',
Amount: '30.000000003',
OrderAction: 1,
EffectiveTime: ISODate('2022-10-14T06:33:08.264Z')
I can add and remove from the Orders
set without updating the whole document with:
I can't, however, see a way to modify one of those in place.
How would I go about changing the Amount
on saying a611ffb1-c3e7-43d6-8238-14e311122125
without having to read the document, modify the collection, and update the whole thing, or just pulling and reading the order... Neither of which seems particularly performant.
You can work with FieldDefinition
by providing the field to be updated in string instead of Func expression.
MongoDB query
"Orders._id": "a611ffb1-c3e7-43d6-8238-14e311122125"
$set: {
"Orders.$.Amount": "100"
MongoDB .NET Driver syntax
var filter = new BsonDocument
{ "Orders._id", "a611ffb1-c3e7-43d6-8238-14e311122125" }
var update = Builders<OrderBookEntity>.Update.Set("Orders.$.Amount", /* value */);
UpdateResult result = await _collection.UpdateOneAsync(filter, update);