I have built an AWS API Gateway Rest API integration with AWS SNS.
(Setup in simplified form)
Post Requests --> RestAPI in AWS API Gateway -->SNS
I want to configure the Gateway to respond to the post request with one field I get from PostRequestsBody.
But in the docs that I have read, I am able to send just the response body of the SNS request.
1>Is it possible to respond with body PostRequest as a response body in Gateway?
2> if yes please direct me to the docs or please explain how it can be achieved.
I have gone through http://docs.aws.amazon.com/apigateway/latest/developerguide/api-gateway-mapping-template-reference.html which had explained just how to respond with details of integrated service(SNS in this case) response.
Even though this question is old now, it appears in search results.
AWS doesn't directly have a way to do this, but people have found hacks such as https://stackoverflow.com/a/61482410/563812