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Kotlin - Readln() gets only first word in string

I'm making a first project "Flashcards" for Kotlin course and faced with unexpected program behavior. Function "readln()" gets only first word in sting (separetad by space " "). What is a problem, what do you think? Note: fun "reading" needed and for now I can realize it in this way only. Regular "readln()" have same problem. Code below.

import java.util.*

var logText: String = ""
fun println(text: String = "") {
    logText += text + "\n"
fun reading(): String {
    val scan = Scanner(System.`in`)
    val text =
    logText += text + "\n"
    return text

fun adding(addCard: MutableMap<String, String>): MutableMap<String, String> {
    val definition: String
    println("The card:")
    val card: String = reading()
    if (card in addCard.keys) {
        println("The card \"$card\" already exists.")
        return addCard
    } else {
        println("The definition of the card:")
        definition = reading()
        if (definition in addCard.values) {
            println("The definition \"$definition\" already exists.")
            return addCard
    addCard[card] = definition
    println("The pair (\"${card}\":\"${definition}\") has been added.")
    return addCard

fun main() {
    val actionList = mutableListOf("add", "exit")
    var action = ""
    val cards = mutableMapOf<String, String>()
    while (action != "exit") {
        println("Input the action (add, remove, exit):")
        action = reading()
        if (action !in actionList) {
            println("Wrong action!")
        } else {
            when (action) {
                "add" -> cards.putAll(adding(cards))
                /* "remove" -> println("Not supported.")
                "import" -> println("Not supported.")
                "export" -> println("Not supported.")
                "ask" -> println("Not supported.")
                "log" -> println("Not supported.")
                "hardest card" -> println("Not supported.")
                "reset stats" -> println("Not supported.") */
    println("Bye bye!")


  • You're not using readln() in your code, you're using a Scanner with the next() function and no delimiter set. So by default, that just splits on words:

    import java.util.Scanner
    fun main() {
        val input = "here are some words"
        val scanner = Scanner(input)
        while(scanner.hasNext()) {

    If you use scanner.nextLine() then it'll read the whole line as a token, and that's basically the behaviour of readln() as well. If readln() is giving you individual words, you'll have to post the code that's doing that, because it'll be something else going on