I'm trying to implement a fully automated ci/cd pipeline for my synapse workspace using azure devops piplines. I have a working version where everything except pushing the "Publish" Button inside the synapse UI after merging a feature branch into main is automated, but i cannot figure out how to automate this last step.
Basically I'm at the "Current CI/CD flow" in this article and i want to implement "the new CI/CD flow", just using Synapse instead of Data Factory.
Sadly, the article marks the described solution as only valid for Data Factory and not for Synapse and I couldn't find anything about using the used ADFUtilities NPM package for Synapse workspaces.
So what is the recommended way for automatically publish all changes after a pull request was merged into the main branch for synapse pipelines? Is there even a way or are we stuck with pressing the "Publish" Button by ourself?
In Synapse, There is a way to automate the publish action on commit to collaboration branch.
Use "Synapse workspace deployment" extension task version 2. https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=AzureSynapseWorkspace.synapsecicd-deploy
More details are in the page: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/azure-synapse-analytics-blog/automating-the-publishing-of-workspace-artifacts-in-synapse-cicd/ba-p/3603042