This function is meant to return the Integer value requested from the Registry.
I cannot use the TRegistry object because it does not return the correct value if the program calling the Registry is 32bit on a 64bit OS, it will return a max value of 10000.
This function returns the correct values if the program is ran from within the IDE but fails if ran outside the IDE.
function LB_ReadRegistryInteger(strSubKey: String;
strValueName: String): Integer;
// *****************************************************************************
// this function will read the registry and return the integer value for the key
// will work for 32 or 64 bit windows.
// *****************************************************************************
const const_KEY_WOW64_64KEY = $000000100; // value for KEY_WOW64_64KEY
var Key: HKey; // key value
TheInt: Integer; // return int value
IntSize: Integer; // integer size
TheType: Integer; // Type of data that is going to be read
Result := 0; // default error return value
TheType := REG_DWORD; // Type of data that is going to be read
IntSize := SizeOf(TheInt);; // set size of int
// if can get key and read the key
if RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,PChar(strSubKey),0
,(KEY_READ or const_KEY_WOW64_64KEY),Key) = ERROR_SUCCESS then
if RegQueryValueEx(Key,PChar(strValueName),nil
,@TheType,@TheInt,@IntSize) = ERROR_SUCCESS then
Result := TheInt; // result is value returned
RegCloseKey(Key); // close the registry
end; // of LB_ReadRegistryInteger
How it is called.
// get the GDIProcessHandleQuota
TheValue := LB_ReadRegistryInteger('\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows'
You need to remove first back slash from the key name, so call it as
TheValue := LB_ReadRegistryInteger('SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows'