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Is it possible to push public CocoaPod that has private CocoaPod dependency?

I'm trying to

"pod trunk push MyPublicCocoaPod.podspec" to

which has dependency of "s.dependency 'MyPrivateCocoaPod'" (requires below url to install, my-private-specs.git)

source ''

source ''

Is there a way to release MyPublicCocoaPod in this kind of dependency structure?

I am getting below error:

  • ERROR | [iOS] unknown: Encountered an unknown error (Unable to find a specification for MyPrivateCocoaPod depended upon by MyPublicCocoaPod

Does public CocoaPod need to be dependent of other public CocoaPods only in order to release? Thanks in advance.


  • Public pods must be buildable publicly, so pods with private dependencies cannot be published to trunk.

    You can publish to a private Specs repo. Details here.