input dataframe
Flow row count
Apple [45,46] [2,1]
Orange [13,14] [1,5]
need to find min value of each list column 'count
' and fetch respective row value from row column.
Expected output:
Flow row count
Apple 46 1
Orange 13 1
In Python, the list has a function called index
where you can get the position of the value you want to find. So, by utilizing this function with a min
, you can get your desired result.
df['min_index'] = df['count'].apply(lambda x: x.index(min(x)))
df[['row_res','count_res']] = [[row[j],count[j]] for row, count, j in zip(df['row'], df['count'], df['min_index'])]
Flow row count min_index row_res count_res
0 Apple [45, 46] [2, 1] 1 46 1
1 Orange [13, 14] [1, 5] 0 13 1