I've got my suite to run against two different browsers by setting my config file to use a desktop and mobile device:
name: 'firefox - Desktop',
use: {
...devices['Desktop Firefox'],
name: 'Mobile Safari - Portrait',
use: {
...devices['iPhone 12'],
Is it possible to get which device is being used in a test? The site being tested is responsive so things like images might be visible on desktop but not on mobile so I need a way to put a condition in my test to assert it's visible if desktop but not if mobile.
Update: For anyone else who asks this, you can use isMobile https://playwright.dev/docs/api/class-browser#browser-new-context-option-is-mobile
test('MyTest', async ({ page, isMobile }) => {
// isMobile returns a boolean depending if a mobile browser / device is used. }
This can be called in a test and returns a boolean.