Im trying to write an Oracle SQL statement where I want to update a lot of rows connected to one id. I've managed to solve the update query, but now when I'm refactoring I would like to change so that I get a prompt where I write in this ID instead of changing it on every update statement (which is what I'm doing currently)
I found a snippet
set serveroutput on;
sn varchar2(80);
sn := '&SerialNumber';
which works perfectly, however, I'm not sure how to use this variable now. Ideally, I would like to use it like this:
set serveroutput on;
sn varchar2(80);
sn := '&SerialNumber';
SELECT * FROM stupidtable where stupidcolumn = sn;
but this yields
ORA-00904: "SN": invalid identifier
00904. 00000 - "%s: invalid identifier"
I'm very new to Oracle and would like some help with this. Thank you :)
If you want to use a substitution variable in a query, then you don't need to populate it in PL/SQL and can use it directly in the query:
FROM table_name
WHERE column_name = '&substitutionVariable';
You could also use a bind variable:
FROM table_name
WHERE column_name = :bindVariable;
I want to use the same
in a lot of UPDATE statements
Use &&
rather than &
if you want SQL*Plus to implicitly define a variable to store the substitution variable:
SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE column_name = '&&substitutionVariable';
SELECT * FROM table2 WHERE column_name = '&&substitutionVariable';
-- Once the variable is defined you can use either single or double ampersands.
SELECT * FROM table3 WHERE column_name = '&substitutionVariable';
or, use DEFINE
to explicitly define the variable:
DEFINE substitutionVariable = Something
SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE column_name = '&substitutionVariable';
SELECT * FROM table2 WHERE column_name = '&substitutionVariable';
-- Once the variable is defined you can use either single or double ampersands.
SELECT * FROM table3 WHERE column_name = '&&substitutionVariable';
Or you can use bind variables and define a variable:
VARIABLE bindVariable VARCHAR2(20);
:bindVariable := 'Something';
SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE column_name = :bindVariable;
SELECT * FROM table2 WHERE column_name = :bindVariable;
-- Once the variable is defined you can use either single or double ampersands.
SELECT * FROM table3 WHERE column_name = :bindVariable;