I noticed that parts of my last print()-function statement got pushed down when I formatted it with autopep8 in VSC and I don't understand why. This only occurs, if I have the temp foor loop variable {guesses_Taken} inside the String.
if guess == secret_number:
f'Good job, {name}! You guessed my number in {guesses_taken} guesses taken')
Without the variable, it's formatting like usual:
print(f'Good job, {name}! You guessed my number in guesses taken')
I tried to print a temp. for loop variable in another file to reproduce the problem, but here it's working properly.
numbers = 23
for i in range(3):
x = i
if x == 2:
print(f'Number {i} and Number {numbers}')
Original Code with formatting problem in last line
for guesses_taken in range(1, 7):
print('Take a guess.')
guess = int(input())
if guess < secret_number:
print('Your guess is too low.')
elif guess > secret_number:
print('Your guess is too high')
break # This condition is for the correct guess
if guess == secret_number:
f'Good job, {name}! You guessed my number in {guesses_taken} guesses taken')
Is it a bug or can I improve something? The program itself is working properly.
Thank you in advance!
Full source code line #21: https://pastebin.com/D66mDm5K VSC Version: 1.72.1
The addition to the string pushes the length of the line above PEP8's suggested 80 characters:
print(len("print(f'Good job, {name}! You guessed my number in guesses taken')"))
print(len("print(f'Good job, {name}! You guessed my number in {guesses_taken} guesses taken')"))
's solution is to break the line after print(
You can use the --max-line-length [length]
CLI argument to configure a different value.