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Why is my Google AdMob GDPR consent form not presented in my iOS app

I am in the process of implementing UMP SDK into my iOS app. I have setup the GDPR and IDFA messages in the Google AdMob dashboard's Privacy and Messaging section. I am having trouble getting the GDPR message to show up. The IDFA and iOS' ATT messages work perfectly.

Below is the code that I am using. I have tested this on both simulator and physical device. Also, I am located in the EU.

static func trackingConsentFlow(completion: @escaping () -> Void) {
    let umpParams = UMPRequestParameters()
    let debugSettings = UMPDebugSettings()
    debugSettings.geography = UMPDebugGeography.EEA
    umpParams.debugSettings = debugSettings
    umpParams.tagForUnderAgeOfConsent = false
        .requestConsentInfoUpdate(with: umpParams,
                                  completionHandler: { error in
            if error != nil {
                print("MYERROR #1 \(String(describing: error))")
            } else {
                let formStatus = UMPConsentInformation.sharedInstance.formStatus
                print("FORM STATUS: \(formStatus)")
                if formStatus == .available {
                } else {

private static func loadForm(_ completion: @escaping () -> Void) {
    UMPConsentForm.load(completionHandler: { form, loadError in
        if loadError != nil {
            print("MYERROR #2 \(String(describing: loadError))")
        } else {
            print("CONSENT STATUS: \(UMPConsentInformation.sharedInstance.consentStatus)")
            if UMPConsentInformation
                .sharedInstance.consentStatus == .required {
                guard let rootViewController = UIApplication.shared.currentUIWindow()?.rootViewController else {
                    return completion()
                form?.present(from: rootViewController, completionHandler: { dismissError in
                    if UMPConsentInformation
                        .sharedInstance.consentStatus == .obtained {

Just to be clear:

With this code I am able to show the IDFA message, after which the AppTrackingTransparency alert is shown. But I am expecting to also see the GDPR consent form.


  • For anyone wondering the same thing. The GDPR message was not appearing because I had not finalised my Admob account setup. I had not added my payment method. After adding it (and sending the app for review in Admob) the GDPR message started to appear.