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Perl Search for string and print out line

I want to write a perl script that ask the user for a string and then finds the lines that contains that string and prints them. This is what i have so far


use strict;
use warnings;

sub main
    print "First name or Last Name or any portion: ";
    my $name = <STDIN>;
    my $file = '/home/jake/Downloads/phones';
    open(FH, $file) or die("File $file not found");
    while(my $String = <FH>)
        if($String =~ $name)
            print "$String \n";

Whenever I try this the terminal doesnt print anything. Is there anything that I could do to fix that?


  • Try this out:

    use strict;
    use warnings;
    sub main
        print "First name or Last Name or any portion: ";
        my $name = <STDIN>; 
        chomp $name;
        my $file = '/home/jake/Downloads/phones';
        open my $fh, '<', $file or die "$file: $!\n";
        while(my $string = <$fh>)
            if($string =~ /$name/)
                print "$string\n";
    • You need to omit the new line character using chomp.
    • Use a modern way to read a file, using a lexical filehandle.