I have the tif image with 5 layers (not color channels but layers). How can I get the number of layers in this tif file using python?
I tried PIL.Image im.n_frames and cv2.imreadmulti they all show that image has only one layer.
The layers in these kind of TIFF files are hidden in the Adobe Photoshop specific ImageResources (#34377) and ImageSourceData (#37724) TIFF tags.
Use the psdtags library to parse these tags, e.g.:
from psdtags import TiffImageSourceData
isd = TiffImageSourceData.fromtiff('5_layers.tif')
number_layers = len(isd.layers)
for layer in isd.layers:
for channel in layer.channels:
ch = channel.data # a numpy array
Run python -m psdtags 5_layers.tif
to preview the layer information in the TIFF file.