I'm trying to draw specific weight connections in MLP net. What I want to achieve is
Straightforward graphviz drawing tilts the graph w.r.t. drawn edges
from graphviz import Graph
graph = Graph(directory='graphs', format='png',
graph_attr=dict(ranksep='2', rankdir='LR', color='white', splines='line'),
node_attr=dict(label='', shape='circle', width='0.1'))
def draw_cluster(name, length):
with graph.subgraph(name=f'cluster_{name}') as c:
for i in range(length):
draw_cluster('input', 10)
draw_cluster('output', 4)
source_active = [0, 1, 2, 3]
sink_active = [2, 3]
for i_input in source_active:
for i_output in sink_active:
graph.edge(f'input_{i_input}', f'output_{i_output}')
If I add invisible edges between not connected weights, I do force my graph being centered:
for i_input in set(range(10)).difference(source_active):
for i_output in set(range(4)).difference(sink_active):
graph.edge(f'input_{i_input}', f'output_{i_output}', style='invis')
But at what cost! My layers can have >1000 neurons with only tens of connections. Maybe networkx can help, I haven't played with it.
Similar questions that don't help me:
I tried your answer:
from graphviz import Graph
graph = Graph(directory='graphs', format='png',
graph_attr=dict(ranksep='2', rankdir='LR', color='white', splines='line'),
node_attr=dict(label='', shape='circle', width='0.1'))
def draw_cluster(name, length):
with graph.subgraph(name=f'cluster_{name}') as c:
for i in range(length):
draw_cluster('input', 10)
draw_cluster('output', 4)
source_active = [0, 1, 2, 3]
sink_active = [2, 3]
for i_input in source_active:
for i_output in sink_active:
graph.edge(f'input_{i_input}', f'output_{i_output}')
def central_neurons(layer_size: int):
if layer_size % 2 == 1:
return {layer_size // 2}
return {layer_size // 2, layer_size // 2 - 1}
for source_id in central_neurons(layer_size=10):
for sink_id in central_neurons(layer_size=4):
graph.edge(f'input_{source_id}', f'output_{sink_id}',
constraint='true', style='invis')
I think we can add more settings to make the result more centered. For example we can add rank='same'
to align neurons in a cluster and constraint='false'
for edges so that they do not break the alignment of clusters in the center.
from graphviz import Graph
graph = Graph(directory='graphs', format='png',
graph_attr=dict(ranksep='2', rankdir='LR', color='white', splines='line'),
node_attr=dict(label='', shape='circle', width='0.1'),
def draw_cluster(name, length):
with graph.subgraph(name=f'cluster_{name}') as c:
c.attr(label=name, rank='same')
for i in range(length):
draw_cluster('input', 10)
draw_cluster('output', 4)
source_active = [0, 1, 2, 3]
sink_active = [2, 3]
for i_input in source_active:
for i_output in sink_active:
graph.edge(f'input_{i_input}', f'output_{i_output}')
def central_neurons(layer_size: int):
if layer_size % 2 == 1:
return {layer_size // 2}
return {layer_size // 2, layer_size // 2 - 1}
for source_id in central_neurons(layer_size=10):
for sink_id in central_neurons(layer_size=4):
graph.edge(f'input_{source_id}', f'output_{sink_id}',
constraint='true', style='invis')