I have created a database on appwrite console to which I have added a function and gave data base id and collection id in the Events section in the bottom, after I have deployed it on the vs code the collection id and database id disappear from the events,for which I have to add them back every single time before I deploy any category for that function. Please help.
Do you have your events defined in your appwrite.json file? For example, for my Appwrite version 0.15.3, my appwrite.json has this Appwrite Function:
"$id": "process-photo",
"name": "process-photo",
"runtime": "node-16.0",
"path": "appwrite-functions/process-photo",
"entrypoint": "src/index.js",
"vars": {
"execute": [],
"events": [
"schedule": "",
"timeout": 15