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Algebraic numbers in Z3

The following code sets some Z3 constraints for x,y that are satisfied (only) by: x = sqrt(2) and y = -sqrt(2).

x, y = Reals('x y')
s = Solver()
s.add( x*x == 2 )
s.add( x>0)
s.add( y*y == 2 )
s.add( y<0)
m = s.model()
val_x = m.get_interp(x)
val_y = m.get_interp(y)

print(f"The solutions are: x={val_x} and y={val_y}")
print(f"The defining polynomial of x has integer coefficients", val_x.poly(), " and root index ", val_x.index())
print(f"The defining polynomial of y has integer coefficients", val_y.poly(), " and root index ", val_y.index())

The output is:

The solutions are: x=1.4142135623? and y=-1.4142135623?

the defining polynomial of x has integer coefficients [-2, 0, 1]  and root index  0

the defining polynomial of y has integer coefficients [-2, 0, 1]  and root index  0

It thus appear that the .index() function, which is supposed to extract the index of an algebraic number, does not work: Both $sqrt(2)$ and $- sqrt(2)$ are given the same index.

I have reported this issue in the Z3 github (link) but unfortunately the devs do not have the bandwidth to solve this issue.

I had a look at the python code for the .index() function (path z3/

def index(self):
    return Z3_algebraic_get_i(self.ctx_ref(), self.as_ast())

which just calls:

def Z3_algebraic_get_i(a0, a1, _elems=Elementaries(_lib.Z3_algebraic_get_i)):
  r = _elems.f(a0, a1)
  return r

which basically (?) calls the method Z3_algebraic_get_i of the Z3 library in the C language.

I am not familiar myself with C, so I am seeking some help:

QUESTION is the Z3_algebraic_get_i function of the C Z3 library actually working, or it's just Python?


EDIT: This is the source code of the C function from here

    unsigned Z3_API Z3_algebraic_get_i(Z3_context c, Z3_ast a) {
        LOG_Z3_algebraic_get_i(c, a);
        CHECK_IS_ALGEBRAIC(a, 0);
        algebraic_numbers::manager & _am = am(c);
        algebraic_numbers::anum const & av = get_irrational(c, a);
        return _am.get_i(av);


  • This was fixed in, so make sure to update z3 if you still see this issue. I'm not sure what the first version of z3 to have the fix was, but I just upgraded to, and it's working now.

    Also worth noting: roots are 1-indexed in z3.