I have a simple function that maps NAs of a column of interest (here var_to_set_1
) to something more specific when the variable var_x
has the value "Unassigned"
The function in its current state.
dummy_data <- tribble(
~var_x, ~var_to_set_1, ~var_to_set_2,
"A", "Type_A", "Subtype_A",
"Unassigned", NA_character_, NA_character_
test_fun <- function(data_in, var_to_set){
var_to_set <- enquo(var_to_set)
data_out <- data_in %>%
mutate(!!var_to_set := if_else((var_x == "Unassigned" & is.na(!!var_to_set)),
true = "Type_Unassigned",
false = !!var_to_set))
dummy_data %>% test_fun(var_to_set_1)
So far this works well, but now I want to extend this function so that it can map NA values from two or more variables of interest. Again, the assignment should depend on the variable var_x
as explained above. Obviously I could call the function twice for the different var_to_set
, but I want to take advantage of tidy evaluation.
Following a similar logic, I have now tried the plural version of enquo
in combination with elipsis and mutate_at
to change the columns var_to_set_1
and var_to_set_2
in one step. However, I quickly realised that the seemingly simple extension to several variables was much more difficult than I thought. I began to venture into uncharted territory and some questions emerged that I was unable to answer myself.
? Using the snippet below with the !!!
operator I get following error:Error in !var_to_set : invalid argument type
. How should defused and non-defused variables be passed to the inner function? Is the quosure property inherited?Here is a snippet of what I tried to do.
test_fun_2 <- function(data_in, ...){
var_to_set <- enquos(...)
data_out <- data_in %>%
mutate_at(.vars = !!!var_to_set,
.funs = ~{
if_else((var_x == "Unassigned" & is.na(.)),
true = "Type_Unassigned",
false = .)}
dummy_data %>% test_fun_2(var_to_set_1, var_to_set_2)
The expected output should look like this:
expected_data <- tribble(
~var_x, ~var_to_set_1, ~var_to_set_2,
"A", "Type_A", "Subtype_A",
"Unassigned", "Type_Unassigned", "Type_Unassigned"
Btw, I use version 1.0.9 of dplyr.
You want across
test_fun <- function(data_in, ...){
data_in %>%
.fns = ~ if_else((var_x == "Unassigned" & is.na(.x)),
true = "Type_Unassigned",
false = .x)
dummy_data %>% test_fun(var_to_set_1, var_to_set_2)
# # A tibble: 2 x 3
# var_x var_to_set_1 var_to_set_2
# <chr> <chr> <chr>
# 1 A Type_A Subtype_A
# 2 Unassigned Type_Unassigned Type_Unassigned
Update. In an earlier version I used enquos
but as @Lionel was mentioning in the comments, this is not really necessary.