Search code examples

How to run xdg-open to execute a google search from command line?

If I can search google from the command line on Ubuntu, it would save me a lot of time in my workflow. If I run this it opens up Google.

xdg-open '"searchterm1" "searchterm2"'

I dont know how to make this accept inputs though.

Essentially I want to run this in the command line

./ searchterm1 searchterm2 searchterm3 

This will open this Google link in the browser "searchterm1" "searchterm2" "searchterm3"


  • If you want to accept an arbitrary number of arguments, you can do something like this:

    quote_search_terms() {
        for term in "$@"; do
            echo "\"$term\" "
    xdg-open "$(quote_search_terms "$@")"

    This will give you behavior similar to what you've shown in your question.