I need to get the intersection point of two curves several times. Given two dataframes as the following:
name flow head
1 a 1 9
2 a 2 5
3 a 3 1
4 b 1 40
5 b 2 30
6 b 3 10
7 c 1 15
8 c 2 9
9 c 3 1
As you can see, "a" is a different curve from "b" and so on, but they all share the same x-axis. The second dataset is one simple curve:
flow system_head
1 1 1.2
2 2 5.6
3 3 9.5
4 4 17
Sample resulting dataframe
What I want to discover is a way to find the intersection between "head" and "system_head" for every different name:
name closest_flow_point index_intersection_point
1 a 2 2
2 b 3 6
3 c 2 8
I have been able to get the closest intersection value between two different columns with the following line of code:
idx = np.argwhere(np.diff(np.sign(df["head"] - df2["system_head"]))).flatten()
but this doesn't work when I have multiple curves (e.g: curves "a", "b" and "c").
I have also been able to separate the "name" in different dataframes with a loop:
names = df["name"].unique()
for name in names:
df_test = df.loc[df["name"] == name, :]
and while this does work in separating, I can't proceede from here.
It's also important to mention that there is no exact match for the columns ["head"] and ["system_head"] (which means that I can't use pd.where or pd.loc), and the dataframe has over a million rows.
To help visualize, in this image, the blue lines would be the multiple curves and the red dots would be the intersection points, while the green line is the curve of the second df.
I also want to say that I would gladly sent the csv files to anyone that wants to try and solve the problem or needs further clarification
Let's do some exploratory analysis first:
df = pd.read_csv("dataframeHm.csv", sep=";", decimal=",")
df_system = pd.read_csv("dataframeSystem.csv", usecols=[1,2])
df_system.columns = ["flow", "Hm"]
# Plot the curves
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 6))
for name, sub_df in df.groupby("name"):
ax.plot(sub_df["flow"], sub_df["Hm"], label=name)
ax.plot(df_system["flow"], df_system["Hm"], label="System", linestyle="--")
We see that only KSB 32-160 144
intersects the system curve. How we are going to identify the intersection points require some finesse.
If we assume that the system curve has a y-value whenever an individual curve has a y-value, we can simply merge them on the x-axis (flow
tmp = (
pd.merge(df, df_system, on="flow", suffixes=("", "_system"))
.assign(is_equal=lambda x: np.abs(x["Hm"] - x["Hm_system"]) < 0.01) # find a threshold that suits your requirements
This is enough to give us some info about the intersection points:
name flow Hm Hm_system is_equal
18570 KSB 32-160 144 0.004061 35.52770 35.522806 True
18572 KSB 32-160 144 0.004062 35.52644 35.527495 True
18574 KSB 32-160 144 0.004063 35.52518 35.532185 True
But instead of a single point, the algorithm found 3 consecutive points that intersect the system curve! We can refine this a little bit by implementing a rule: if consecutive points intersect the system curve, we will take the mean flow
of those points:
intersects = {}
for name, sub_df in tmp.groupby("name"):
is_equal = sub_df["is_equal"]
if is_equal.sum() == 0:
sub_df["island"] =
intersects[name] = sub_df[is_equal].groupby("island")["flow"].mean().to_list()
# intersects: {'KSB 32-160 144': [0.004062]}
# 0.004062 is the `flow` value of the intersection point
A more advanced scenario is that the system curve may not have some flow
values present in the individual curve. If you refer back to the chart, you can see that the system curve looks pretty much like a quadratic curve, so let's try some curve fitting:
poly, residuals, *_ = np.polyfit(df_system["flow"], df_system["Hm"], deg=2, full=True)
# poly: array([5.77047893e+05, 1.54957651e+00, 2.60000005e+01])
# residuals: array([9.45696098e-13])
This is an extremely good fit as the residuals are near 0. So we can use poly
to interpolate the system curve value at any point:
tmp = (
df.assign(Hm_system=np.polyval(poly, df["flow"]))
.assign(is_equal=lambda x: np.abs(x["Hm"] - x["Hm_system"]) < 0.01)
And you can apply the same algorithm above to identify the intersection points.