Our Smartedit stays gray for a long time before login. The Browserconsole shows an error:
ERROR Error: PromiseUtils: condition for promise resolution was never met
The error was from the "configuration" Request that result in a 401 Unauthorized (which should be normal, since the login was not yet done.
After multiple Full Reloads sometimes the login box appears. Sometimes also after a very long waiting, but we found no pattern yet. How can we prevent this?
The 401 Error really seems not to be the problem, this is just a normal behavior if not user is logged in.
We got rid of the error using a workaround in our Apache2 reverse proxy. We add the following caching headers to the translation requests to make them better cachable:
<Location /smarteditwebservices/v1/i18n/translations>
ExpiresActive On
ExpiresDefault "access plus 1 hour"
Header set Cache-Control "max-age=1800, public"
This makes our situation much better. The translation json takes very long to load (see answer of Johannes) and causes a race condition with the Smartedit Javascript code.