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Laravel Closure Function is not working (with) relation

Hello Developers I hope you are all good. I have had a problem for 2 or 3 days, and I can't figure out how to solve this. The code is below here. but it always returns

Error: Method name must be a string in file /vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Database/Eloquent/Builder.php on line 764

            $feeds = Feed::where("id",$request->feed_id)
                    foreach ($query as $comment){
                        return $comment->id;


  • You can use nested with() to get user name and picture.

    $feed = Feed::where("id",$request->feed_id)
                "comments"=> fn($query) => $query->with('user')
    foreach ($feed->comments as $comment) {
        $user_name = $comment->user->name;
        $user_picture = $comment->user->picture;