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Gitlab pipeline runner exits without error code on npm ci

All of a sudden my gitlab pipeline runners start failing on npm ci --silent without an error message.

I've not changed my package.json or package-lock.json since the last successful run (only a few hours earlier).

My .gitlab-ci.yml has stayed the same.

Here is the beginning of my pipeline config, which fails at npm ci --silent:

image: 'sleavely/node-awscli:14.x'

  - deployKrsk
  - runUnitTests
  - testKrsk
  - deployTest
  - deployProd

  - npm ci --silent
  - npm install -g typescript
  - npm install -g @aws-amplify/cli@8.5.1 --unsafe-perm=true
  - NODE_OPTIONS=\"--max_old_space_size=4096\"
  - node --max-old-space-size=4096

    - master

This is a snapshot of the pipeline fails

Do you have any idea what can cause this failure? I am clueless.


  • Using the --silent flag will suppress output when running npm scripts so you won't get the error logs in case there are any errors. So better to remove and check the logs which will make debugging a lot easier.