I am looking for an alternative to my current conditional formatting rule. The rule is as follows:
I build the variable according to how the formula should be used which is explained here: https://infoinspired.com/google-docs/spreadsheet/multiple-search-in-single-search-formula-google-sheets/#:~:text=We%20can%20use%20multiple%20search,more%20than%20one%20search%20string.
A snippet of the script I use is as follows:
// conditional formatting
var grpOneStr = "Confirmed, Confirmed (Paid)";
var grpTwoStr = "Sent, Posted (Threshold)";
var grpThreeStr = "Cancelled, Complete";
var grpOneFormula = "=SUM(ARRAYFORMULA(--ISNUMBER(SEARCH({\"Confirmed\",\"Confirmed (Paid)\"}, A1))))";
var grpTwoFormula = "=SUM(ARRAYFORMULA(--ISNUMBER(SEARCH({\"Sent\",\"Posted (Threshold)\"}, A1))))";
var grpThreeFormula = "=SUM(ARRAYFORMULA(--ISNUMBER(SEARCH({\"Cancelled\",\"Complete\"}, A1))))";
var grpOneRule = SpreadsheetApp.newConditionalFormatRule()
.setRanges([promoSheet.getRange(1, 1, promoMaxRow, promoMaxCol)])
The reason I am looking for an alternative is because the current formula slows down my script considerably at times. Is there any solution to this?
I believe your goal is as follows.
As a workaround, how about using OnEdit trigger and TextFinder? In this workaround, the following flow is run.
When this flow is reflected in a Google Apps Script, how about the following sample script?
Please copy and paste the following script to the script editor of Spreadsheet. And, please set your sheet name. In this script, "Sheet1" is used. And, please set obj
When you use this script, please edit the cell. For example, when "Confirmed" is put to the cell, the background of the cell is changed.
function onEdit(e) {
const { range } = e;
const sheet = range.getSheet();
if (sheet.getSheetName() != "Sheet1") return;
// Please set patterns and colors.
const obj = [
{ pattern: ["Confirmed", "Confirmed \\(Paid\\)"], color: '#4fbbbf' },
{ pattern: ["Sent", "Posted \\(Threshold\\)"], color: '#4fbbbf' },
{ pattern: ["Cancelled", "Complete"], color: '#4fbbbf' },
const r = sheet.getDataRange().setBackground(null);
obj.forEach(({ pattern, color }) => {
const rangeList = r.createTextFinder(pattern.join("|")).useRegularExpression(true).findAll().map(r => r.getA1Notation());
In this script, all cells of the data range are updated. If you want to update only the edited cell, please modify it as follows.
const r = sheet.getDataRange().setBackground(null);
const r = range.setBackground(null);