I am trying to build the Schunk drivers from the RobotLocomotion/drake-schunk-driver
git repository.
When I run bazel build //...
, the build fails and I get errors for missing dependencies like gflags
and glib
Is there a list of the required dependencies somewhere?
I am using drake v1.8.0 on Ubuntu Focal and installed it via the apt method if that is relevant.
As noted in the question, the repository, https://github.com/RobotLocomotion/drake-schunk-driver, uses Bazel as its primary build (even via CMake, I believe), following the drake_bazel_external workflow (compiling using Bazel from source).
The above error most likely occurs due to an older / incorrect version of Bazel being installed, and/or other missing Bazel source prerequisites.
Confirm your apt-installed Drake version using dpkg -s drake-dev
, then ensure you install the source prereqs for that tagged version.
Per the OP question for Ubuntu Focal and Drake v1.8.0, this would look like as follows:
git clone -o upstream https://github.com/RobotLocomotion/drake -b v1.8.0
cd drake
sudo ./setup/ubuntu/install_prereqs.sh
EDIT: Submitted PR https://github.com/RobotLocomotion/drake-schunk-driver/pull/9
Additional Note
At time of writing (2022-10), the apt
package for Drake does not appear to install Bazel.
To inspect w/ installed apt
package, look at Depends
section from output of dpkg -s drake-dev
To inspect w/o installation, you can download the latest nightly debian per https://drake.mit.edu/apt.html#nightly-releases, inspect the control data, and see that the control data does not include bazel
as a dependency.
(This could be considered a good thing b/c it might require yet another apt repository.)