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Convert a List of Tuples into Dictionary with Grouped Dict Values in Python

Lets say I have a list of tuples like the following

l: list[tuple] = [
    ('bobs trucking', 'ID1'),
    ('bobs trucking', 'ID2'),
    ('bobs trucking', 'ID3'),
    ('bobs groceries', 'ID6'),
    ('bobs groceries', 'ID7'),
    ('bobs groceries', 'ID8'),
    ('bobs groceries', 'ID9')

I'd like to group the repeated first tuple elements (e.g. 'bobs trucking') into a dictionary with values that have the grouped IDs concatenated like a CSV but for every n values for each item in a list

# An example of how I'd accomplish this (but need a way to do it for every n elements)
l2: list[str] = ['ID1','ID2','ID3']
csv_delim: str = ','.join(l2)

Every unique key has a list where each list item is a CSV string of size n=3

# Desired ultimate result
bobs_stuff: dict = {
    'bobs trucking': ['ID1,ID2,ID3'],
    'bobs groceries': ['ID6,ID7,ID8','ID9']

Note: I'd like to do this without Pandas.


  • Iterate over your list of tuples and populate a dictionary with its contents as follows:

    list_of_tuples = [
        ('bobs trucking', 'ID1'),
        ('bobs trucking', 'ID2'),
        ('bobs trucking', 'ID3'),
        ('bobs groceries', 'ID6'),
        ('bobs groceries', 'ID7'),
        ('bobs groceries', 'ID8'),
        ('bobs groceries', 'ID9')
    bobs_stuff = {}
    N = 3
    td = {}
    for k, v in list_of_tuples:
        td.setdefault(k, []).append(v)
    for k, v in td.items():
        for i in range(0, len(td[k]), N):
            bobs_stuff.setdefault(k, []).append(','.join(v[i:i+N]))


    {'bobs trucking': ['ID1,ID2,ID3'], 'bobs groceries': ['ID6,ID7,ID8', 'ID9']}