When using content projection with a selector, like so:
<ng-content select="[appChecklistTitle]">
How can I tell whether or not anything was matched? Basically I want an, "If content provided put it here, otherwise use some default content".
I would suggest using the ng-template in such cases, by passing it from the parent, and handling it in the child as a ContentChild, then rendering it in the child's template using NgTemplateOutlet if it's presented, otherwise, rendering another default template.
You can do something like the following:
Child's component class:
@ContentChild('appChecklistTitle') appChecklistTitle: TemplateRef<any>; // You can use the preferred type instead of `any` here.
Child's component template:
*ngIf="appChecklistTitle; else default"
<ng-template #default>YOUR DEFAULT TEMPLATE HERE</ng-template>
Parent's component template:
<ng-template #appChecklistTitle>CUSTOME TEMPLATE HERE</ng-template>