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Extract the column from the inner data frame within a list of lists of lists

I am trying to extract a column from a dataframe that is stored as an element inside a list of lists, there are a total of 100 models where 10 different data models are stored in an individual list. This individual list then contains the dataframe. (The depth of the top nested list is up three)

Furthermore, I want to save these column values and place them in a separate dataframe which I'm trying with rbind.

I am able to get all the values from the final dataframe but not specifically the column of interest and am not sure which values belong to which model, this is done as seen below:

with apply

Here I am able to obtain all the values but am not able to use dplyr to conduct further selection

importance <- sapply(unlist(myNestedList, recursive = FALSE), `[[`, 9)

with base r and dplyr

meanDF <- data.frame() 

#Loop through ModelsList
for (i in seq_along(top_list)) {
  for (j in seq_along(top_list[[i]])) {
    for (x in seq_along(top_list[[i]][[j]])) {
      test <-[[i]][[j]]$importance) %>%
        select(Mean) %>%
        arrange(desc(Mean)) %>%
        slice(1:50) %>%
        rownames_to_column(var = "Bus") %>%
        mutate(RF = j) %>%
        rename(value = Mean)
      #Append to Dataframe
  meanDF <- rbind(meanDF, test)

dataset example

n1 <- 100 ; m <- 200 ; reps <- 6
df1 <-, n1, m/n1), 
                           replicate(reps, sample(c(0, 1), n1, replace = TRUE))))

n2 <- 100 ; m <- 200 ; reps <- 4
df2 <-, n2, m/n2), 
                           replicate(reps, sample(c(0, 1), n2, replace = TRUE))))

# create a list and create 3 lists 
# inside this list
top_list = list(list1 = list(list2 = list(df1)),
                list3 = list(list4 = list(df2)))


  • We may use

    map_depth(top_list, 3, pluck, 2)

    Or use recursive function

    rrapply(top_list, classes = "data.frame", f= \(x) x[[2]], how = "flatten")


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