I'm trying to modify the initial configuration of SWI-Prolog in command line, following the official documentation from SWI-Prolog FAQ 1 and 2 to change the output displayed. However, I have run into this error:
X@X:~/Documents/Prolog$ swi-prolog.swipl
ERROR: /home/X/snap/swi-prolog/55/.config/swi-prolog/init.pl:1:
ERROR: No permission to modify static procedure `set_prolog_flag/2'
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The file init.pl is a one liner:
set_prolog_flag(answer_write_options, [quoted(true), portray(true), max_depth(18)]).
All the information I found was that the error could be related to a system-defined flag that is not marked changeable, since other entries in this forum for No permission to modify static procedure
are more related to syntax error.
I'm new to prolog, helps and suggestions are welcomed!
You tried to redefine set_prolog_flag/2
as a fact.
Add :-
in front of it to make it a directive.