I have a custom function for starting a Spark job. The main goal is to group a table with multiple aggregations:
.groupby(["some", "columns")
Now I'd like to be more flexible with the aggregations. Is there a way to in-/exclude aggregations according to a boolean value? Something like:
def spark_function(mean_agg=True, sum_agg=False):
.groupby(["some", "columns")
F.mean("col1").alias("col1_mean"), # only if mean_agg=True
F.sum("col1").alias("col1_sum") # only if sum_agg=True
In real world, there are some aggregations that will always be done, no need to check if at least one is True
Yes you can, but you will have to experiment on this yourself, as only you know your true needs. I'll show an example. I don't suggest putting groupBy
into the function, as you only write it once - it's not repetitive.
Input df:
from pyspark.sql import functions as F
df = spark.createDataFrame(
[('a', 3,),
('a', 5,)],
['id', 'col1']
Example function:
def spark_agg_function(cols, sum_agg=False):
aggs = [F.mean(c).alias(f"{c}_mean") for c in cols]
if sum_agg:
aggs += [F.sum(c).alias(f"{c}_sum") for c in cols]
return aggs
# +---+---------+
# | id|col1_mean|
# +---+---------+
# | a| 4.0|
# +---+---------+
*spark_agg_function(['col1'], sum_agg=True)
# +---+---------+--------+
# | id|col1_mean|col1_sum|
# +---+---------+--------+
# | a| 4.0| 8|
# +---+---------+--------+