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use applyInPandas with PySpark on a cluster

The applyInPandas method can be used to apply a function in parallel to a GroupedData pyspark object as in the minimal example below.

import pandas as pd
from time import sleep
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession

# spark session object
spark = SparkSession.builder.getOrCreate()

# test function
def func(x):
    return x

# run test function in parallel
pdf = pd.DataFrame({'x': range(8)})
sdf = spark.createDataFrame(pdf)
sdf = sdf.groupby('x').applyInPandas(func, schema=sdf.schema)
dx = sdf.toPandas()

The minimal example has been tested on an 8 CPU single node system (eg a m5.4xlarge Amazon EC2 instance) and takes approximately 1 second to run, as the one-second sleep function is applied to each of 8 CPUs in parallel. pdf and dx objects are in the screenshot below.

pdf and dx objects

My issue is how to run the same minimal example on a cluster, eg an Amazon EMR cluster. So far, after setting up a cluster the code is being executed with a single core, so the code will require appx 8 sec to run (each function executed in series).


Following @Douglas M's answer, the below code parallelizes on an EMR cluster

import pandas as pd
from datetime import datetime
from time import sleep

# test function
def func(x):
    return x

# run and time test function
sdf = spark.range(start=0, end=8, step=1, numPartitions=8)
sdf = sdf.groupby('id').applyInPandas(func, schema=sdf.schema)
now =
dx = sdf.toPandas()
print(( - now).total_seconds()) # 1.09 sec

However using repartition does not parallelize (code below).

import pandas as pd
from datetime import datetime
from time import sleep

# test function
def func(x):
    return x

# run and time test function
pdf = pd.DataFrame({'x': range(8)})
sdf = spark.createDataFrame(pdf)
sdf = sdf.groupby('x').applyInPandas(func, schema=sdf.schema)
sdf = sdf.repartition(8)
now =
dx = sdf.toPandas()
print(( - now).total_seconds()) # 8.33 sec

Running the above code, the spark progressbar first indicates 8 tasks then switches to 1 task.
spark progressbar


  • Spark's parallelism is based on the number of partitions in the dataframe it is processing. Your sdf dataframe has only one partition, because it is very small.

    It would be better to first create your range with the SparkSession.range:

    SparkSession.range(start: int, end: Optional[int] = None, step: int = 1, numPartitions: Optional[int] = None) → pyspark.sql.dataframe.DataFrame

    Create a DataFrame with single pyspark.sql.types.LongType column named id, containing elements in a range from start to end (exclusive) with step value step.

    New in version 2.0.0.


    • start : int
      the start value

    • end : int, optional
      the end value (exclusive)

    • step : int, optional
      the incremental step (default: 1)

    • numPartitions : int, optional
      the number of partitions of the DataFrame

    Returns: DataFrame

    For a quick fix, add repartition:

    sdf = spark.createDataFrame(pdf).repartition(8)

    Which will put each of the 8 elements into their own partition. The partitions can then be processed by separate worker cores.