I am trying to do a GIT clone (I am new to GIT)
The command I use is:
C:\GIT>git clone --bare \\NAS1\GIT\OptiTexRepo \\backupnas\backup\GIT
Inside the \BACKUPNAS during the run I get several folders created. When they end, I get an error in my CMD windows
Cloning into bare repository \\backupnas\backup\GIT...
fatal: '\optitexnas\GIT\OptiTexRepo' does not appear to be a git repository
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
And the folder on BACKUPNAS is deleted.
Running with --verbose does not add any new data to the screen.
What am I missing please? What should the correct syntax be if I want to create a backup of my GITREPO?
EDIT: It looks like the entire project is been copied, and at the end (after all the files are copied, I get the error message0 and than the entire directory is deleted again.
As long as OptiTexRepo
is really a repository:
Always use forward slashes for network paths when accessing them with msysgit
git clone --bare //NAS1/GIT/OptiTexRepo //backupnas/backup/GIT
This should clone OptiTexRepo
into your backupnas
Furthermore, in your comment on your question, you write that you have several repos present on NAS1
that you might back up. So it would be a good idea to give the clone a meaningful name:
git clone --bare //NAS1/GIT/OptiTexRepo //backupnas/backup/GIT/OptiTexRepo.git
Another point: just cloning will put the current state of OptiTexRepo
to backupnas
, but does not backup future states of the repo. The best way of backing up a git repo is working with it:
git clone //NAS1/Git/OptiTexRepo D:/OptiTex
will create a working copy under D:/OptiTex
git commit
in this repo (D:/OptiTex
)git push --mirror origin
on //NAS1/Git/OptiTexRepo