I have a simple WCF service that returns a list of PackagesModel.UnitTypeList
to my ASP.NET MVC 4 controller
public ContentResult GetUnitType()
List<PackageModelUnitTypeList> _result = lms_client.GetUnitType().ToList();
return cmn.SerializeToJSON(_result);
Here's my test that fakes the return list of my service to the controller.
public void should_GetUnitType()
// Arrange
int expected_status_code = (int)HttpStatusCode.OK;
int expected_list_count = 5;
var context = new ControllerContext(new RequestContext(httpContext, new RouteData()), _controller_Packages);
_controller_Packages.ControllerContext = context;
// Act
A.CallTo(() => _lms_service.GetUnitType())
.Returns(new PackageModelUnitTypeList[]{
new PackageModelUnitTypeList(),
new PackageModelUnitTypeList(),
new PackageModelUnitTypeList(),
new PackageModelUnitTypeList(),
new PackageModelUnitTypeList()
var _getUnitType = _controller_Packages.GetUnitType() as ContentResult;
List<PackageModelUnitTypeList> _result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<PackageModelUnitTypeList>>(_getUnitType.Content);
// Assert
Assert.AreEqual(expected_list_count, _result.Count);
I am interested on FakeItEasy's A.CollectionOfFake since it will allow me to easily adjust how many fake list I needed to return. But when I tried it I am getting an error:
Below is my implementation:
A.CallTo(() => _lms_service.GetUnitType())
Can someone please help identify why this happens and how to make this work? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
Based on @Blair Conrad's answer, this is what it looks like. I debugged the tests and it indeed returns faked list based on the number I wanted:
A.CallTo(() => _lms_service.GetUnitType())
This is what I need. Thanks for the help!
It looks like _lms_service.GetUnitType()
returns a PackageModelUnitTypeList[]
returns an IList<PackageModelUnitTypeList>
You could convert by calling Enumerable.ToArray, likely.