If SetFilePointer(hFile, 0&, ByVal 0&, FILE_END) _
This call raises the HBF_SEEK_FAILURE
error (
45603) at some point of time.
The decoded API error message is:
Seek Error Error 87 Wrong parameter
I believe it fails when the file size is over 4.1 GB.
What could I do to work around this problem?
I have read here that this error is a valid response if a file is over 4 GB. So should I just ignore it?
According to a suggestion, I am now using the Ex version, but I get a Wrong DLL Calling Convention error:
Public Sub SeekEnd()
If SetFilePointerEx(hFile, 0&, ByVal 0&, FILE_END) _
End If
End Sub
Thank you!
The easy solution; call SetFilePointerEx
If you want to continue using SetFilePointer
with large files then you should set the lpDistanceToMoveHigh parameter to a valid pointer (which may point to a value that is 0 in this specific case).
When lpDistanceToMoveHigh is set you can check the return value like this:
If SetFilePointer(...) = INVALID_SET_FILE_POINTER _
AndAlso If Not Err.LastDLLError = 0
' Handle error
' Success
End If
Here is a version that uses SetFilePointerEx
Private Declare Function SetFilePointerEx Lib "kernel32" ( _
ByVal hFile As Long, _
ByVal liDistanceToMove As Currency, _
ByRef lpNewFilePointer As Currency, _
ByVal dwMoveMethod As Long) As Boolean
Public Function SeekEOF() As Currency
'++++++ NEW
' Seek to a base 0 EOF and return the pointer position
' The returned value is the new ABSOLUTE pointer positon.
Dim RetVal As Long
Dim tmpPosition As Currency
Dim returnedPosition As Currency
tmpPosition = 0@
RetVal = SetFilePointerEx(hFile, (tmpPosition), returnedPosition, FILE_END) ' seek relative to the END of the file. thius returns a pointer to the final byte ?
If RetVal = 0 Then ' failed
End If
fCurrentPointerPosition = (returnedPosition) * 10000@
If fCurrentPointerPosition <> Me.fileSize() Then 'gosh, what could have happened ? BASE 0 compared to BASE 1 position should=file size (ie 1 past the last byte!)
End If
SeekEOF = fCurrentPointerPosition ' returns the BASE 0 absolute pointer positon which is 1 past the last byte
End Function