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Assign() to specific indices of vectors, vectors specified by string names

I'm trying to assign values to specific indices of a long list of vectors (in a loop), where each vector is specified by a string name. The naive approach

testVector1 <- c(0, 0, 0)

vectorName <- "testVector1"
indexOfInterest <- 3

assign(x = paste0(vectorName, "[", indexOfInterest, "]"), value = 1)

doesn't work, instead it creates a new vector "testVector1[3]" (the goal was to change the value of testVector1 to c(0, 0, 1)).

I know the problem is solvable by overwriting the whole vector:

temporaryVector <- get(x = vectorName)
temporaryVector[indexOfInterest] <- 1
assign(x = vectorName, value = temporaryVector)

but I was hoping for a more direct approach.

Is there some alternative to assign() that solves this?

Similarly, is there a way to assign values to specific elements of columns in data frames, where both the data frames and columns are specified by string names?


  • If you must do this you can do it with eval(parse():

    valueToAssign  <- 1
    stringToParse  <- paste0(
        vectorName, "[", indexOfInterest, "] <- ", valueToAssign
    eval(parse(text = stringToParse))
    # [1] 0 0 1

    But this is not recommended. Better to put the desired objects in a named list, e.g.:

    testVector1 <- c(0, 0, 0)
    dat  <- data.frame(a = 1:5, b = 2:6)
    l  <- list(
        testVector1 = testVector1,
        dat = dat

    Then you can assign to them by name or index:

    vectorName <- "testVector1"
    indexOfInterest <- 3
    dfName  <- "dat"
    colName  <- "a"
    rowNum  <- 3
    valueToAssign  <- 1
    l[[vectorName]][indexOfInterest]  <- valueToAssign
    l[[dfName]][rowNum, colName]  <- valueToAssign
    # $testVector1
    # [1] 0 0 1
    # $dat
    #   a b
    # 1 1 2
    # 2 2 3
    # 3 1 4
    # 4 4 5
    # 5 5 6